lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012
Laura's Interview
The friday 28th of september, the class did a interview to Jade's mother. Her name is Laura, we asked questions in spanish to her, and one of the class traduced in english and she answered in english, and other of the class traduced to spanish. She was born in England, in Exceter, this city has an important cathedral. She decided study spanish and go to Spain, to be a teacher.
domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012
What To Read
I chose this book because it recommended by a friend. The book, called "An Eskimo Adventure", is about a girl that live in a village of Canada, Akulivik, a cold village. in the first chapter, there's was a problem, there isn't meat due to the weather change. The father prepare a soap of vegetables, but Maggie (The girl) don't accept. At the next day, there is a competition, and Maggie win 25 dollars. The third day, the father and the brother, and her friend, Eddie, aren't at home. She knows that only the men can hunt.
She, angry, decides to go at school, to comunicate to another girl from England, Jennifer, And she told the history whereby it she is angry. Then, she take the snowmobile of the brother and got to Eddie's house. Anne, his mother, explained her where is the Caribou, where her father, her brother and Eddie have been to hunt. At the next day, she decides to go to the Caribou, because there is a storm and her father, her brother and her friend have problems. She leaves and forgets the map. She takes refuge in a boat. Jennifer is estrage because Maggie is not connected at this time, and the teacher tell her that she leave to help with the hunt.
Maggie the next day, see that her brother, her father and Eddie are in an ice platform, and she rescues them with the boat.
The book:

She, angry, decides to go at school, to comunicate to another girl from England, Jennifer, And she told the history whereby it she is angry. Then, she take the snowmobile of the brother and got to Eddie's house. Anne, his mother, explained her where is the Caribou, where her father, her brother and Eddie have been to hunt. At the next day, she decides to go to the Caribou, because there is a storm and her father, her brother and her friend have problems. She leaves and forgets the map. She takes refuge in a boat. Jennifer is estrage because Maggie is not connected at this time, and the teacher tell her that she leave to help with the hunt.
Maggie the next day, see that her brother, her father and Eddie are in an ice platform, and she rescues them with the boat.
The book:

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012
The offsprings, "Las crías"
15 words that be in the history:
Winter, shotgun, Sun, snowy tree, lynx, puppies, deer, horse, hat, hunter, blood, wolves, bullet, rabbit, fire and knife.
A hunter that see a deer but he does not kill him, because the deer is injured, and he decide cure him.
Decoration of the class
In the class, we decided to put some posters that help us study and that we seem funny. Each one chosen a poster and has explained why it chosen.
My posters is this:
I think that this phrase i strue, because when you are upset, you say stupid things.
I like this poster, and it has chosen by many students.
Is true, you should never give up.
domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012
This is my PLE
This is the pages that I use for each thing:
·For create any document, I use Open Office and Microsft Word.
·For share, I use Blogger, and for search, Yahoo Answers, Wikipedia, Wordreference and Google.
·Finally, for Communicate I usually use Hotmail and Messenger.
(Personal Learning Environment, all the environment and web pages used to learning the foreign language).
domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012
About Me...
Hi, my name is Alejandro and I`m 15 years old.
I have a sister, and she is studying in Granada.
I like music, and I play the classic guitar and electric guitar. I prefer this last one.
My favourite grupo is Guns N' Roses.
In my leissure time, I do many sport and I leave with my friends.
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